Bonbons mélangés originaux Sweet Sixteen

4.9 (594) · € 18.99 · En Stock

Treat your family to the most delicious and unique candy experience with our bucket Sweet Sixteen Sour candies. Each 675g bucket is filled with unique and exciting flavours that will tantalise your taste buds! Enjoy the combination of sweet and savoury, and never have a dull moment enjoying this perfect balance of flavours.

Sweet Sixteen Original - 675g | Candy Funhouse

Mix of Classic delicious Licorice Peanut & Nut Free Packaged in Quebec, Canada Imported from Canada

Mondoux Licorice Sweet Sixteen Candy Mix 185g

Vous l'avez cherché et vous l'avez trouvé. Voici LE mélange de bonbons qui a tout commencé pour nous il y a 50 ans, lorsque Papi Mondoux a créé cet

Sweet Sixteen ORIGINAL Bonbons, assortiment de bonbons gélifiés et jujubes savoureux, mélange classique de bonbons, sans arachides et sans noix – 10 x

Confiserie foraine : grossiste en confiseries et fabricant de sucre et colorant pour barbe a papa, granité, pomme d'amour.

Sweet Sour Gummy Candy 400 g - Candy

Lightly sugar coated variety of top ranked gummy shapes in one offering

Original Mixed Gummies

Real Canadian Superstore: Mondoux Sweet Sixteen Candy Bags

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Mélange Bonbons Gélatines Et Jujubes - Sweet Sixteen Mondoux

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Bonbon original - Sweet Sixteen

Sprinkle Medley - Wanderlust, 100g - The Gourmet Warehouse

Candies — Sweet Sixteen Mondoux

Seasonal Candy - Urban Fare