Hardy Hibiscus Organic Seeds – Hudson Valley Seed Company

4.6 (630) · € 2.99 · En Stock

Are plant breeders fools or oracles, magicians or scientists? In the case of Frank Morton, all of the above. Frank is like an entire tarot deck of auspices balancing the known and unknown with the energies of the plants. With each cross, a myriad of possible futures unfolds. Sometimes Frank plays the Joker or the Fool. An uncomfortable place for many, but the perfect milieu for a plant breeder.

Joker Lettuce Organic Seeds - Art Pack

A favorite for the medicinal garden in no small part due to its highly ornamental daisy-like blooms and deep-green foliage. Native to Eurasia but well-adapted to other regions, this tender perennial has a long history as an herbal medicine for treating inflammation: as early as the first century, Greek herbalist Dioscorides described feverfew's usefulness in his De materia medica. Grown in full sun, feverfew will develop into a tidy bush reaching up to 30 tall.

Feverfew Organic Seeds - Art Pack

German Extra Hardy Hardneck Organic Seed Garlic – Hudson Valley

Everlasting Flower Mix Seeds – Hudson Valley Seed Company

A gift from Mike Dwyer, a good friend of our former farm manager, Stu. Large, tasty, rose-colored beefsteak variety gifted to Mike 20 years ago by the groundskeeper, Aubry, at the American Horticultural Society River Farm. This tomato was the only tomato Aubry's Family grew for generations, hence the name.

Aubry's Special Pinks Tomato Organic Seeds - 25 Seeds

Hardy Hibiscus Organic Seeds – Hudson Valley Seed Company

This calendula strain has blooms that are almost all golden yellow and profuse. Its scent, when brushed in the garden or crumbled in the hand, is lovely and clean and cool. It has a soothing, delicate smell and can be used in preparations for burns or skin irritations.

Resina Calendula Organic Seeds - 200 Seeds

Torch Tithonia Organic Seeds - Art Pack

Originally from the home of Siberian wolves, this variety crossed flora and fauna boundaries in 1901 to flourish in the New Hampshire lands of the gray wolf. Over 80 years later, Seed Savers Exchange member Glenn Drowns rediscovered this variety in a USDA seed bank's one of many vital hubs of genetic material from around the world. Recognizing the value of this short-season treat, he released Sweet Siberian to the wilds of Iowa through his Sand Hill Preservation Center.

Hudson Valley Seeds Sweet Siberian Watermelon

Kaleidoscope Carrot Art Pack

Although the word pansy has its origins in the French pensee, meaning thought, the word became a slur directed toward gay, effeminate, or gender-nonconforming men. Artist Paul Harfleet's Pansy Project, which ceremoniously sets pansies into the earth at spots where homophobic abuse has occurred, reckons with both senses of the word. Hardy plants that can bloom through the snow, pansies intrinsically embody the resilience and fortitude at the core of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Hudson Valley Seeds Pansy Mix Seeds

All plants add to a garden's magic. But some possess the power to make a garden completely enveloping. The vigorous vines of Hyacinth Bean reach higher than the tallest trellis, creating a lofty paradise of purple flower sprays and paisley pods that sway in the late-summer sky. This canopy beckons beloved aerialists ”hummingbirds and butterflies” to dance and swoop through the vines, zooming and hovering and weaving through the tendrils.

Hudson Valley Seeds Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean