Regime Theory Definition, Components & Approaches - Video & Lesson Transcript

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Approaches of translation

Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory - Robert W. Cox, 1981

A One-Stop Shop for Principal Component Analysis, by Matt Brems (he/him)

A review of recent reinforcement learning applications to healthcare, by Isaac Godfried

Contemporary Approaches to MIS

The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic - The Lancet

Demographic transition - Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary

Single-Molecular Dissection of Liquid–Liquid Phase Transitions

The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023: partnerships and cooperation for water

Microphase separation of living cells

Proletariat into a Class: The Process of Class Formation from Karl Kautsky's The Class Struggle to Recent Controversies - Adam Przeworski, 1977

A refined method for theory-based evaluation of the societal impacts of research - ScienceDirect