Nespresso Inissia : la machine à café compacte, rapide et design

4.5 (468) · € 20.99 · En Stock

Grande consommatrice de café, j’ai acquis un broyeur, une cafetière italienne et une cafetière à piston pour me préparer du bon café. Parfait pour les weekends chez soi mais gros inconvénient : préparation longue et fastidieuse. C’est décidé, j’achète une cafetière. La Nespresso Inissia est la machine à café à avoir (si vous aussi vous êtes accros au café Nespresso)

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Nespresso Inissia Espresso Machine

Nespresso provides convenience and simplicity with its single-serve espresso system. With a tiny footprint, compact, lightweight and equipped with an ergonomic handle, the Nespresso Inissia is a smart little coffee machine to make your life easier.

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Nespresso Inissia Espresso Machine by De'Longhi

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Nespresso provides convenience and simplicity with its single-serve espresso system. With a tiny footprint, compact, lightweight and equipped with an ergonomic handle, the Nespresso Inissia is a smart little coffee machine to make your life easier.

Nespresso Inissia Black Espresso Machine by De'Longhi

Inissia XN1005.WP, Nespresso®

Cafetière nespresso : comparatif machine à café nespresso

Nespresso provides convenience and simplicity with its single-serve espresso system. With a tiny footprint, compact, lightweight and equipped with an ergonomic handle, the Nespresso Inissia is a smart little coffee machine to make your life easier.

Nespresso Inissia Black Espresso Machine by De'Longhi

Nespresso Inissia : la machine à café compacte, rapide et design

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